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Where do you belong ?

One question which does come in our mind ! The story. My own story. The way it started to the point you have reached and further ahead it takes you to. Its beautiful. Isn't it. It might be full of hardships and heartbreaks but isn't it this which makes it a beautiful story !
Somehow, I feel that bollywood / hollywood or any cinema industry is actually a milestone in evolution. Hasn't it made our imaginations more melodramatic. Yes, it does. But don't we enjoy it ! :p What say !
I am currently dealing with this myself - where do I belong ? Is it where I became myself or the place which is grooming me, polishing me helping me to let my best be out !
While churning my mind... I came across three different ways people connect with.  

A) They belong to their childhood ! Do you find present easily relatable to your childhood. How it always used to when you were small !How you used to play ! How you used to let wind play through your hair. How, it was simply fine !It doesn't mean, you are not happy with your present but it is your past you long for. If you are granted a wish to go back, you exactly know what to choose ! Wasn't it a wow time !

B) The future me ! You know, exactly what you wish to be. Your life plan is stamped up in your brain and heart. You have high hopes from you and for you !You have your slice of past.But you see ahead.If you ever came across genie, your only wish is to ask, did you succeed in carving the life you dreamed of. You just know, it is going to be awesome. Did this make you smile, than you are exactly this !

C) Gift of present. "As long as you are with me, I will be just fine." You are among those, who connect. you know, time is variable. It will be good and bad throughout. As, long as your family, friends, people whom you care about are with you, you will sail good. Can you picture it instantly, than this is you. You are the gift of present.

I myself ask this question. Where do I belong ? It leaves me with lots of exclamation marks  Do you too !!!!!

Today it struck to me at last - I know exactly where I belong to !

I belong to all three of them. Neither a bit less nor a bit more ! I belong to all of me ! Same goes for you my dear friends. It is never A, B or C. We belong to whole of this. Nobody can isolate us. You belong to whole of the universe and so does the whole universe belongs to you.

So, what you got lost. So what life trailed you to the unknown path. But, remember one thing you will exactly know where you belong once you find yourself. Keep exploring best of your potentials, the childhood dreams, creativity, passion, future plans, family, parents because it is where you belong !
 you wish to add more onto this, feel free to share your beautiful thoughts.
Have an amazing day all !

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